Fake Feng Shui Methods - Wrong Feng
Shui Concepts
There are many 'schools' in Feng
Shui and many theories of their own. Although all the theories were
developed in China; some of them (mainly those were developed in the
last two hundred years) were criticized as fake Feng Shui methods.
It is a controversial topic to say
which method is a fake one, as it is very difficult to prove.
However, some Feng Shui methods are very easy to tell that they are
simply wrong.
Using Fake Plant is a Wrong Fake
When a room needs Wood, some people
will put fake plants such as plastic ones too boost the Wood. They
say a fake plant still has the shape of a real one. This is the
Form Stream. This is not real.
First of all, we have to know that
in order to decide an item belongs to which one of the 5 Elements;
the shape is not the primary consideration. The nature of the item
is the most important one. A metal statute is Metal, a plant is
Wood, a fireplace is Fire, an aquarium is Water and a stone statue
is Earth; all regardless their shapes.
You can easily find a pen, a rod or
a pin at home. Can we say they are Wood? Although a long
rectangular shape represents Wood, these items are too small to be
effective as Wood. How about a plant shape that is made of steel,
is that Metal or Wood? Everyone would agree that it is Metal. In
other words, a fake plant is not a plant and not a Wood.
Artificial Crystal is Not Earth
Natural crystals and gems, such as
agate, jade, emerald & etc, belong to Earth, as they naturally exist
and are part of the earth underground. However, artificial crystals
are not Earth in nature; they are simply glass added with a high
content of lead.
Using artificial crystals as Earth
is a wrong Feng Shui method. It is even worse if you use them to
refract or reflect light, believing that would bring you good luck.
Such kind of refracted or reflected light is actually a Sha and
should be avoided.
If interested, you can have a
detailed explanation by consulting an authenticated Feng Shui
practitioner. Good Luck!